Hypnotherapy, NJ

Are you ready to try a powerful therapeutic technique and have an energetic healing experience?

Do you suspect that your unconscious thoughts and belief patterns may be running your life?

Do you feel you are stuck in unhealthy patterns?

Are there emotional blocks in your life that are preventing you from achieving your full potential?

Do you wish to heal old wounds created in past relationships?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions hypnotherapy may be right for you. I practice a hypnotherapy specialty called heart-centered hypnotherapy. This treatment has been found to be effective in treating a host of different issues including anxiety, depression, phobias, addictions, compulsions, and more.

Many of us feel frustrated when we find ourselves repeating the same negative patterns. Examples of this can include continuously entering into unhealthy romantic relationships, self-sabotaging or consistently having trust or jealousy issues. Hypnotherapy is able to quickly support the client in understanding and healing the underlying conflicts which cause these patterns to continue.

I utilize Heart-Centered-Hypnotherapy because it works… 

Hypnotherapy has been used as an effective treatment technique for over a century. This includes the utilization of hypnotherapy for a wide array of issues. Hypnotherapy is a valuable tool to be utilized in conjunction with your normal therapy.

Within any therapy process, it can be difficult to access the subconscious reasons and root causes of a client’s issue. The hypnotic trance of the heart-centered hypnotherapy method allows for direct access to the subconscious mind. This opens the door to immediate insight into the issue and more efficient healing and resolution.

But you still may have questions or concerns about hypnotherapy, NJ…

I am concerned about being hypnotized and being under the control of another person…

These concerns are common. Hypnosis seems to have gotten a bad rap over the years. Within the heart-centered hypnotherapy model, the hypnosis or trance state is simply a deep relaxation similar to that of meditation. Under hypnosis, the client always continues to be in control and have awareness of what is going on around them. Client’s under hypnosis are able to communicate their needs and come out of hypnosis if they should choose to do so.

How does hypnotherapy vary from all the other therapies I’ve tried in the past?

This is a great question. With so many treatment approaches out there most people are eager to understand how and why this is the one that will work for them. As mentioned above hypnotherapy allows for direct access to the unconscious mind. This direct access allows for understanding and healing to occur at much deeper levels and more quickly than other treatment techniques.

Where can I learn more about heart-centered hypnotherapy nj?

Anyone can access more information on hypnotherapy including research studies completed, resources, and testimonials at:


Hypnotherapy, NJ sessions are $275 per 90-minute session

Hypnotherapy, NJ

I provide hypnotherapy, NJ services in the Bergen, Essex, Morris, Ocean and Monmouth county area. I invite you to call me for a free 15-minute phone consultation to discuss any questions and concerns you may have about hypnotherapy, NJ.

Contact me for a free consult for counseling in Montclair, NJ

Montclair NJ 07042

